Hop Name: Golding

Common Usage: Aroma

Hop Characteristics
Alpha Range:4.0 - 6.0%
Beta Range:4.0 - 6.0%
Cohumulone Range:20.0 - 25.0%
Humulene Range:35.0 - 45.0%
Myrcene Range:25.0 - 35.0%
Farnesene Range:0.0 - 1.0%
Caryophyllene Range:13.0 - 16%
Total Oil Range:0.4 - 1.0 mL/100g
Golding (US) hops are descended from the original East Kent Golding. They have been used widely in English beers for a long time, and the typical, classic English hops aromas are Goldings. In North America, they were first grown in British Columbia, but they have been grown in Washington and Oregon since 1993, and no longer in Canada. Golding-type hops varieties are prolific in the U.S. The use is primarily in English-style Ales, although it has wide use in barley wines and Belgian Ales as well. It’s relatively low alpha acids lend themselves to the delicate aroma. Goldings are low yielding, susceptible to disease, and difficult to harvest, but their typical English aroma and high storage stability (up to 80% in some tests) keep it popular.

Commonly used in:
Origin: US
Storage: ~66% alpha remaining after 6 months
Mild and delicate with sweet floral characteristics

Possible Substitutions:
Fuggle (US)  Willamette  East Kent Golding  Fuggle (UK)  Savinjski Golding